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Texas Pre-Marital
Preparation Online Course
''Twogether in Texas''

Texas pre marital course
Rjimenez counseling

Price: $19.50
Per Couple

100% Interactive Online Course.​

12 Month Access.

​A Twogether in Texas Certificate of completion.​

​Skip the 3-day waiting period.​

​​A discount on your marriage license.

​The course is available in English and Spanish.

Click Below

Are you getting married in Texas? 


If you would like to skip the mandatory 3-day waiting  period and get a discount on your marriage license, all you need to do is:


Register and pay



 You and your partner can complete the course at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. 


Enter both of your names for the Completion Certificate.


Once completed, you will received the certificate to your email.


Print your certificate and take it to the marriage license office.

Twogether in Texas Online Pre-Marital Course 



Our pre-marital course, led by Dr. Roberto Jimenez, a recognized marriage educator, is an 8-hour video course with enjoyable educational activities for you and your fiancé. All individuals applying for a marriage license are strongly encouraged to participate in a pre-marital education course lasting at least eight hours within a year before the license application date. 


Dr. Jimenez has been assisting couples in preparing for marriage with pride since 1999. With a doctorate in education, a master's degree in marriage and family therapy, and a bachelor's degree in psychology. Dr. Jimenez is a qualified and experienced marriage educator.


The course discusses conflict resolution, effective communication, and vital elements for a thriving marriage. During the course, we will cover several crucial aspects of marriage, including finances, marital roles, and parenthood. Furthermore, pre-marital education can enhance the communication skills of the couple.


This education is highly beneficial, and most couples rate it as very helpful. Additionally, it fosters a positive outlook on seeking assistance if any marital issues occur in the future.


This is an interactive video, self-study course.

We recommend using your tablet, laptop, or your desktop.  




Upon finishing this course, you will receive the following benefits:


  • A Twogether in Texas Certificate of completion

  • Skip the 3-day waiting period

  • Save up to $60

  • You will have access to the course for one year

  • The certificate is valid for one year from the date of completion




Licenses; certifications & Memberships

LMFT - in florida - AAMFT
AAMFT - Approved Supervisor
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - in florida
AAMFT - clinical fellow


Accreditation BBB
Ce broker provider
Reports CE provider
BBB Rjimenez 2024

R Jimenez Counseling Inc is a BBB Accredited Business ID# 92025180; 
BBB Rating: A+



RJIMENEZ COUNSELING INC is a Continuing Education

Provider #50-34780 for the following Boards:


- Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling - also accepted by the Ohio Counseling, Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapy Board

- Alabama State Board Of Occupational Therapy

- Arizona Board Of Athletic Training

- Kansas Board Of Healing Arts - Occupational Therapy

- Michigan Board Of Social Work

-Counseling, Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapy Board

- South Carolina Board Of Examiners In Psychology

- South Carolina Board Of Social Work Examiners

- Tennessee Board Of Social Workers

- West Virginia Board Of  Social Work

- Florida Board Of Nursing

- Tennessee Board for LPCs, LMFTs and CPT



Rjimenez  Learning - continuing education courses

Our Contact Information

If you have any questions don't hesitate to write to us

Customer Service
3081 Salzedo Street #202 - X
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Mailing Address
13727 SW 152nd Street #220 
Miami, Florida 33177
Mailing Address 

7324 Southwest Freeway

Ste 800 PMB 2219

Houston, TX 77074


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